The Diploma in Social Work & Community Development is intended to equip the students with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to participate actively and take the lead in managing social development in the society. The graduates will be involved in mobilizing community members to come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.
Course Content
Module I
- Social work theory and practice
- Introduction to community development
- Development Economics
- Community Based organizations
- Communication skills
- Entrepreneurship education
- Community capacity building and Empowerment
- Information communication technology
Module II
- Resource mobilization and Fundraising
- Project management
- Advocacy and Lobbying
- HIV/AIDS and other Pandemics
- Disaster management
- Statistics
- Legal aspects in social development
- Resource management
Module III
- Transformation and social marketing
- Community development methodologies
- Management of Community Concerns
- Community Leadership
- Gender and Development
- Social Research project
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