
Archives: Courses

  • Certificate in Social Work & Community Development

    Certificate in Social Work & Community Development

    A Certificate in Social Work & Community Development will serve to prepare students for a career A Diploma in Social Work & Community Development and equip students with social work skills to engage with individuals, families, groups and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being of the people. Graduates will be…

  • Diploma in Social Work & Community Development

    Diploma in Social Work & Community Development

    The Diploma in Social Work & Community Development is intended to equip the students with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to participate actively and take the lead in managing social development in the society. The graduates will be involved in mobilizing community members to come together to take collective action and generate…

  • Certificate in Business Management

    Certificate in Business Management

    The Certificate in Business Management is intended to introduce the fundamental concepts and practices of business management as preparation for a rewarding career in business management. At the end of the course the students are able to appreciate the role played by different departments in an organization, demonstrate knowledge of emerging trends and issue in business…

  • Diploma in Business Management

    Diploma in Business Management

    A Diploma in Business Management is designed to equip students  with the required knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable him or her to perform administrative duties as a middle level manager in an organization. The program builds on the application of management principles in human resource and business performance evaluation and implementing procedures and processes…

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